Monday, July 12, 2010

March 2010 Trip to Lake Toho, FL

In March of this year (2010), my cousin Matt invited me to go fishing with him for a weekend at Lake Tohopekaliga (Toho) near Orlando, FL.  It was this trip that got me back into fishing.  So we drove ~400 miles (with his boat in tow) to go fishing.  Well, as my luck would have it, a massive cold front moved through FL the week before we got there and screwed the fishing up big time.  The water was in the mid 60s and barely hit 70 the whole time we were there.  We fished everywhere and everything we could find and I only caught five fish the entire weekend (~36hrs on the water).

The nicest one I did get was also my last fish (a trend that you will find happens to me often).  It was only a 3.5# fish, but it was still fun.  It would have been nice had my cousin caught SOMETHING (another trend).


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